This page was last updated on August 16, 2000
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Java Foundation Classes (Swing) tips
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Here is a sample Swing applet you can test your setup with. Note that you need to update your CLASSPATH environment variable, preferably in CONFIG.SYS, to include the swingall.jar file. Here is a much more extensive Swing applet to test. This one uses many of the Swing features. Note that if you do not have the latest Netscape then Swing will likely crash it.
If you have not installed Swing, then here is an example. This will likely crash if you do not have the latest Java 1.1.7 JDK and the latest (as of 6/19) Netscape. Note that this demo is fairly large and may take a while to load.
I also just found that the Hot Java 1.1.4 browser works much better with this latest version of Java. It no longer performs constant redraws every time a new item is loaded.
If you need help, I have instructions on setting up Swing here.
This came from Karl Hörnell's home page
Anything marked with (local) will be serviced by Aaron's Java Web server.
If you know of any good Java links, send me email
Java FAQ: Every beginner Java programmer should read this...
OS/2 Java documentation:IBM Java sites:
If you need information on installing IBM's Java for OS/2, the Introduction to Java for OS/2 page contains useful information.
SET CLASSPATH=F:\NETSCAPE\JAVA11\JEMPCL10.ZIP;F:\NETSCAPE\;G:\JAVAOS2\lib\;.\.;G:\JAVA11\ICATJAVA\DAEMON\JAVAPROB.ZIP;With these settings I can now run Java 1.1 and Netscape simultaneously. If you want to fall back to Java 1.0.2 just do the following:
SET JAVA_HOME=G:\JAVAOS2I have had lots of problems following the instructions provided by IBM. IBM's instructions do not allow you to go back to JAVA 1.1 after Java 1.0.2 has been set using BEGINLIBPATH.
If you installed the special beta Netscape with Java 1.1 support then you should use the CID install procedure rather than the standard install. The Netscape Beta is not compatible with Feature Install.
Here are the steps needed to install the Java Foundation Classes:
(Note that you will need to substitute drive letters from what I specified.)
SET CLASSPATH=f:\NETSCAPE\JAVA11\JEMPCL10.ZIP;f:\NETSCAPE\;G:\JAVAOS2\lib\;.\.;G:\JAVA11\ICATJAVA\DAEMON\JAVAPROB.ZIP;g:\java11\swing-1.1\swingall.jar;.\.;You now need to reboot for the change to take effect. If you don't feel like rebooting then you can manually change the classpath on the command line before running Java or Netscape. If you have any problems with your classpath then append the following onto the end of it:
g:\Java11\lib\;Now Swing should work with Netscape.
set SWING_HOME=g:\java11\swing-1.1 cd classes java SwingSet file:%SWING_HOME%\examples\SwingSet\doc\api cd ..
Java Security Related:
Other Java-based Web server projects:
Fun Java Stuff:
You might want to change the directory where it installs it to something like jws1.0.3 instead of javawebserver1.0.3. Next you need to set your classpath to
X:\jws1.0.3\lib\classes.jar;x:\jws1.0.3\classes;x:\java11\lib\;.;I usually set the classpath from a script file.
Now to start the server, type:
java -noasyncgc -ms4m -mx32m -Dserver.root=X:\jws1.0.3 -Duser.keystore=X:\jws1.0.3\keys sun.server.ServerProcess
Note that the web server's default configuration is to use port 8080 rather than port 80. You can use the Hot Java browser for configuration or Netscape with 1.1.4 support. Configuration is performed through the admin window.
- thanks to David Torres for this info.
g: cd \hjos2\HotJava1.1\lib Java -classpath g:\hjos2\HotJava1.1\lib\;g:\java11\lib\;. -ms4m -mx32m -Dhotjava.home=g:\hjos2\HotJava1.1 -Djava.home=G:\Java11 sunw.hotjava.Main
I have found that the Hot Java browser is not the most stable browser, and after a while it can start crashing or behave strangely with lots of Java error messages appearing. The nice thing about the Hot Java browser, though, is its ability to run Java 1.1 applets and its flexible security support.
To view PDF documents, download Adobe Acrobat. The latest version works as a plug-in for Netscape Navigator for OS/2.
I hope to add support so the server can limit the domains that can access the server. I also want to add support to load external classes compatible with Sun's Servlet standard to replace CGI support. Native java classes should be much more efficient than CGI scripts. I also need to add some method of password protecting directories. When I have the features I want implemented finished I will likely release the server to the public domain with full source code.
Aaron can be emailed at