Current Status

by Jed Reynolds

The Current Update:

Sun Aug 25 05:12:26 PDT 1996
Wow...I'm back! I've been busy, busy, busy. I didn't quite make it outta college yet, but I've been earning gratuitious amounts of money knowing how to work on the web. I've been leaving a "Trail of Robo websites" across the net, from job to job. My latest ideas concern the production of grander literary works and radioplays.

Oh, and my HTML skills are better, now. You'll notice many of the pages, (along with mine) have been laid out using tables...which i can do by and really fast now!

Wed May 22, 19:08:14 1996
Finally! I've been making so many small incrimental changes to this damned thing I keep losing them because I'm not using any sort of revision control system. I've been editing from other people's computers...other campuses, from home, from the's just a mess. Everywhere I login, I seem to leave a tad of Robo Detritis behind on the hard drive. I've updated the title page, and made major re-organizational changes to the core of the web site. I've add "sub directories"! Major improvement from a file organization standpoint. But there's so many lose links now it will take me a few more weeks at this rate to clean up the prettyness of this site.

More to come soon! The Major Dates are coming up soon! I have plans for a Fan Club, Executive Committee, and a Newsletter. NOT JUST THAT but I've been working on how to build a Submission Depot. I will allow anyone interested to submit modules into the Robowars Roleplaying Game Universe, upon which they will be automaticly members (no charge) of the Fan Club. Bitchen, eh?

Jan 30, 1996:
Man, oh I having fun! I just borrowed my friend Noah's old hand held scanner, and have attacked my notebooks with it! I've had to write some mondo scripts to handle the 40 weighty TIFF files I scanned, but I chopped them from huge b/w halftoned TIFFS to small, greyscale JPEGS in about 3 hours of batch processing on my computer whilst I slept.

But, when putting them up to the pages, it becomes frighteningly evident that my notebook pages I've been keeping for this game demand more attention!! The data contain herein is much better visualized in a cleaner, more organized digital manner! Especially the Galaxy Map. Yup, gotta admit, I don't have time for much of this right now. I need help. Bummer.

Jan 1, 1996:
Over winter break, I've gotten ahold of many of my idea notebooks which contain much of the interesting visuals associated with Robo: all the pitcures! Lots of module notes in there, too. I"m faces with the greulling job of scanning all the germane detritis out of my notebooks at the school's computer labs and chuck it at this web site! I think I'm up to the job. Hope y'all had a good winter break.

Nov 6, 1995:
Jeff Kaplan, bless his soul, has donated some more disk space to the RRPG W/S! I am greatful for his generous donation! I encourage you to start reading a playing, Jeff!

October, 1995:
Well, I'll sum it up in ONE paragraph. Personally, I think that the documentation aspect of the game is just about ready to hit the streets! There's a lot of spell checking and grammar checking that needs to be done, and the html layout for a lot of the deeper pages is really just piecemeal, but it is rapidly approaching our limit of documentation! And truly we did this mostly all this year! I'm on the lookout for people who don't want to write RRPG stuff...I'm on the lookout for people to help develop stuff on the current-projects list, which includes spell-checking the RRPG pages, since I can't spell worth dookie, and I haven't installed Ispell on my linux machine yet.

OK, as a finish, I'll let you in on a terrible secret:I'm terribly short on web space! I only have about 900k on this server, which I can't even access to properly maintain, and so The Robowars Roleplaying Game Web Site (RRPG W/S) DESPERATELY NEEDS A NEW HOME! If you have web space available and like this frilly site, please be a kind netter and help me out!

Thanks for listening to me blather, 
now get back to reading the game!

My humble wish list

[Vackvards, Vello Vobo Veaders, Vackvards!]