Current Projects

by Jed Reynolds 1995

Status of the RRPG W/S

And a wish list.


Well, the Copyright Office is a big horror of inefficiency. They need to get into the computer age! A copy of this work has been sent to the Register of Copyrights, Washington DC.

Conspicuous Statement on Copying Copyrighted Material: Copying and redestributing this work under a different name or redestributing copies of this work without consent of the authors is a breach of our copyright.

We eventually intend for the Robowars Roleplaying Game to be freely copyable, but not yet! Please don't copy this stuff until we are done writing it. It would make everyone's life much simpler.

Speaking of simplicity, here's a small story.




It's a hard world out there playing RPGs...someone's gotta do it!

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If you really wanna help us out with our frilly little game, you can...