Have a Clue, Eh?

What is THIS role playing game?
This role playing game is science fiction. It takes up the whole Milky Way Galaxy. You get to start off by playing a nobody, living somewhere. There are no character classes, no experience points, and no melee system. These are up to the referee.

The Robowars Roleplaying Game is intended for people who like roleplaying sci-fi games and don't wanna learn a new gaming "system." All you need to play is

  • An idea of the game history
  • Something to call a gaming journal
  • Time
  • Someone you want to Referee your game.

How would I describe Robo?

I would say it's the nicest way to spend time with a bunch of pals and not have to do drugs.

What is a Referee?

% webster referee
ref.er.ee \.ref-*-'re-\ n or ref.er.eed; or ref.er.ee.ing 1: a person to whom a legal matter is referred for investigation and report or for settlement 2: a sports official usu. having final authority in administering a game - referee vb
In the Robowars Roleplaying Game, a referee constructs what the world is to a character, and how it affects and interacts with a character.

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