Class KaAPI.KUICSyntaxChecker
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Class KaAPI.KUICSyntaxChecker


public class KUICSyntaxChecker
extends Object
Verifies the syntax for the KaAPI format file.
 o   Format file Extension and Comments
   The format file should have .format as an extension.
   All comments should start with '#' at the first column.
   Empty lines are ignored.
 o   Format file Keywords
   All keywords are enclosed in <> and the following are the keywords
   currently supported.
   The keyword strings are case-insensitive
 o   Structure of the Format file
   <INFO>         information_strings 
   <PACKAGE>      package_name
   <CLASS>        class_name
   <NAME>         name_of_the_object				
   <ARGS_AWT>     arg0,arg1,arg2 ....				
   <ARGS_KAAPI>   location,visibility[,name_of_user_container]
   <ARGS_KUIC>    arg0,arg1,arg2 ....				
   <UIC_LINKS>    name_of_the_object1,name_of_the_object_2, .....
   # <UIC_LINKS> could be defined on multiple lines
   # More <CLASS> definitions could go here
   # More <PACKAGE> definitions could go here
 o   Description of the fields in Format file
   <INFO>       specify any information regarding the format file.
   <PACKAGE>    specify the name of the package.
   <CLASS>      specify the name of the class in the package.
   <NAME>       specify a name to identify this instance of the class.
   <ARGS_AWT>   specify the arguments needed for any java.awt 
                component. for example, dimension of the java.awt.Textarea.
   <ARGS_KAAPI> specify location, visibility and container option.
                The possible values for these arguments are :-
                location    - South,North,Center,East,West,None.
                visibility  - show,hide
                container   - no value for default container,name of the KUIC container.
                (Note:- If this field is omitted then the default values 
                for location ,visibility and container are :- 
                location = None,visibility = hide,container = default)
   <ARGS_KUIC>  specify the arguments needed for the KUIComponent.
   <UIC_LINKS>  specify the list of KUIC objects this instance needs 
                to interface.
 o   Optional Fields in Format file
   The following fields are optional.
 o   Grammer for Format file
   format_file ::= [information_list] package_stmt_list
   information_list ::= information_elem [information_list]
   information_elem ::= <INFO> LineOfText
   package_stmt_list ::= package_stmt [package_stmt_list]
   package_stmt ::= <PACKAGE> PackageName package_component_list </PACKAGE>
   package_component_list ::= package_component [package_component_list]
   package_component ::= <CLASS> ClassName class_component </CLASS>
   class_component ::= [name_elem][args_elem_list]
   name_elem ::= <NAME> VariableName
   args_elem_list :: args_elem [args_elem_list]
   args_elem ::= [kaapi_args_elem][awt_args_elem][kuic_args_elem][uiclinks_elem]
   kaapi_args_elem ::= <ARGS_KAAPI> list_of_arguments
   awt_args_elem   ::= <ARGS_AWT>   list_of_arguments
   kuic_args_elem  ::= <ARGS_KUIC>  list_of_arguments
   uiclinks_elem   ::= <UIC_LINKS>  list_of_arguments
   list_of_arguments ::= Argument [,list_of_arguments]
 o   A Sample Format file
   # Aakash.format
   # 31 Aug 1996
   # v 1.1
   <info>	This format file is used for a Generic IDE application.
   <info>	Objects v_editor and v_compiler are NON-UI components.
   <package>	Aakash.KUIC
   	<class>		ToolsList
   		<name>		v_tools_list
  		<args_kaapi>	West,show
  		<args_awt>	17
  		<args_kuic>	lightGray,Editor,Compiler,Run,Debugger
  		<uic_links>	v_compiler,v_editor
   <package>	Aakash.Compiler
  	<class>		AaCompiler	
  		<name>		v_compiler
  		<args_kuic>	C:\JDk1.02\BIN\JAVAC
  		<args_kuic>	C:\MSVC20\BIN\cl -c
  		<uic_links>	v_console
   <package>	Aakash.Editor
  	<class>		AaEditor
  		<name>		v_editor
   <package>	KaAPI.widgets
  	<class>		KUICTextArea	
  		<name>		v_console
  		<args_kaapi>	East,show
  		<args_awt>	17,100
  		<args_kuic>	gray,black
1.1 01 Oct 1996

Constructor Index

 o KUICSyntaxChecker(String, boolean)

Method Index

 o getFormatDescription()
Gets the format file description.Strings specified with <INFO> keyword is returned.
 o processFile()
This parses the format file.


 o KUICSyntaxChecker
  public KUICSyntaxChecker(String formatFile,
                           boolean pMsg) throws IOException
formatFile - format filename to check for valid syntax
pMsg - if true the error messages are printed to the console and supressed if false
Throws: IOException
if the file not found


 o processFile
  public boolean processFile()
This parses the format file.
true on success false on failure
 o getFormatDescription
  public String[] getFormatDescription()
Gets the format file description.Strings specified with <INFO> keyword is returned.
the format file description

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