Hyb. Fig. 1: Crinum x 'Cape Dawn'. A Hannibal cross of
an Orange River C. bulbispermum (hexaploid) with a C. macowanii
(tetraploid). The huge hybrid is a sterile pentaploid.
Hyb. Fig. 2: Crinum x 'Cape Dawn'. I once gave a
specimen to Pat Synge when editor of the R. H. S. Resulting specimens pass
as a giant red 'Powellii' about England.
Hyb. Fig. 3: Crinum x powellii album: A cross dating
back to 1886 of C. moorei with C. bulbispermum album. Quite
hardy, but normally sterile.
Hyb. Fig. 4: A probable
C. scabrum hybrid scattered about Florida and the Caribbean.
From its cernuous blossoms the other parent may be Baker's
C. sanderianym. The plant is sterile.
Hyb. Fig. 5: Crinum x pranianum: A C. moorei
x C. abyssinicum cross duplicated by Luther Bundrant and L. S. Hannibal.
Hyb. Fig. 6: Crinum x 'George Harwood', a hybrid
developed by H. B. Bradley in Sydney, N. S. W., around 1910.
Hyb. Fig. 7: Crinum x 'Ellen Bosanquet': A C.
scabrum x C. moorei cross, quite hardy and semi-fertile,
developed by Louis Bosanquet or the Reasoner Brothers in Florida around
1910. Its pollen will take on a number of species, and it will accept
C. moorei pollen and give attractive red moorei.
Hyb. Fig. 8: Crinum x 'Ellen Bosenquet' x Crinum scabrum.
As yet unnamed, but very choice.
Hyb. Fig. 9: Crinum x 'Summer Glow': A Grace Hinshaw
cross of 'Ellen Bosanquet' on C. x 'Cecil Houdyshel'. This is a
large vigorous plant with richly colored blossoms. It is undoubtedly a
poyploid. It is semi-fertile, so is a possible breeder.
Hyb. Fig. 10: Crinum x 'Bradley': A H. B. Bradley
C. scabrum cross somewhat similar to 'Ellen Bosanquet'. Bradley was a
Sydney N. S. W. barrister and did extensive breeding in the 1910-1920 period.
Hyb. Fig. 11: Crinum x virginicum: Origin now unknown,
but probably a C. bulbispermum album x C. scabrum form. Sterile.
Hyb. Fig. 12: Crinum x 'Elsie'. One of numerous
crosses of C. bulbispermum album with C. americanum.
Hyb. Fig. 13: Crinum x 'Birthday Party': A recent
cross by Luther Bundrant. Quite hardy, but parentage unknown.
Hyb. Fig. 14: Crinum x 'Bundrant', a cross of Luther's
'Birthday Party' x 'Mardi Gras'
Hyb. Fig. 15: Crinum x 'Jubilee': A Bundrant cross
apparently involving C. americanum. Records of his crosses were lost
with his unfortunate passing. He had numerous forms which were still
Hyb. Fig. 16: A cross of C. bulbispermum x C. procerum roseum,
called 'Sangria', A Luther Bundrant cross.
Hyb. Fig. 17: A polyploid sport of C. x herbertii found in my garden.
Bulb cuttage is necessary to obtain offsets. The pollen seems semiviable. |
Fig. 18: A Pat Malcolm hybrid. A C. scabrum x C. zeylanicum cross. Its
pollen should take on either parent as well as C. abyssinicum since these Crinum have
sessile blossems typical of the series Ornatae.
Hyb. Fig. 19: A tetraploid C. moorei x C. abyssinicum
cross named 'White Mogul'. The blossoms are as large as tea cups on a five
foot scape. A Les Hannibal cross.
Hyb. Fig. 20: Crinum x Grandiflorum. A
C. americanum cross with C. scabrum, and unfortunately inclined
to be frost tender.
Hyb. Fig. 21: Crinum x 'Eagle Rock'. A
C. bulbispermum hybrid found at Eagle Rock, near Pasadena, California.
Under humid conditions the colors are a warm rose.