This page is still under heavy construction. Right now it's mostly a bunch of links. This page is being updated on an almost daily basis. Just wait until I get some time alone with Colorworks! (NOTE: Due to the way SPG treats its customers I will be switching to a different package. Any suggestions would be welcome. I am now looking at SX Paint.) If you have any suggestions for additions to this page or any other, send me email. This page is best viewed with Netscape Navigator for OS/2. Due to a bug in IBM's Web Explorer, pages on this site will not load properly. Complain to IBM.
The web server for this site is still under development. It is written entirely in Java. I hope to make the source code available in the near future.
Anything marked with (local) will be serviced by Aaron's Java
Web server.
This Web Server is written entirely in the Java programming language. Aaron's Java Web Server is running on IBM's OS/2 Java package.
This page has been optimized for Netscape Navigator 2.02 for OS/2.
Note on privacy: This web server logs the IP address of all users accessing it and the page accessed. No other information is recorded. If you are behind a firewall, only the address of the proxy server is recorded. Cookies are not used. All log information is kept confidential and is not disclosed to any third parties, nor is it used for marketing purposes.
I am a California state resident. Do not attempt to send me UBE.
Bush is a failure, a miserable failure. He's an idiot as well.